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Aviation Voice - Daily Newsletter


How Do Pilots Communicate in Case of Emergency?

How Do Pilots Communicate in Case of Emergency?

Of course, everyone loves watching movies where a pilot performs safe and heroic landing. However, there exists another side of these situations that Hollywood movies do not show. 

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BAA Training to Invest into Expansion of Its Global FFS Fleet

BAA Training to Invest into Expansion of Its Global FFS Fleet

With the continuous news on airlines dealing with a global pilot shortage BAA Training announces about the plans to expand its full flight simulators’ fleet with 6 additional units in Europe and Asia. 

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Venezolana Boeing 737 Experiences Engine Failure

Venezolana Boeing 737 Experiences Engine Failure

A Venezolana Boeing 737-200 with 79 people on board was climbing out of Port of Spain when the left hand engine (JT8D) failed emitting a loud bang.

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Aviation Voice

Aviation Voice - echoes with up-to-date news gathered from the whole world of aviation.