AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

17 February 2015

TEMAG report

The report of the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group into teacher education courses has been released, along with the Government's response. The matter of exit tests in literacy and numeracy has received some recent media attention; the report is much more wide-reaching.

The report recommends a leading role for AITSL, and the Government response endorses this. AAMT will look to work with AITSL to make sure the issues in preservice teacher education in mathematics (primary and secondary) are addressed in constructive ways.

You can download the report and acompanying documents from http://studentsfirst.gov.au/teacher-education-ministerial-advisory-group

(Mac users, please note that there seem to be some issues with that page in Safari, so try another browser.)

Presenting at the AAMT conference

Offers to present a 55-minute seminar or workshop at AAMT's biennial conference in July are currently sought.

Presentations should reflect one of the conference themes: learn, lead, link.

Offers close on 6 March. You can make an offer to present as part of your conference registration. For more information, go to http://www.cvent.com/d/74q5tv/4K?cpc=HQN4LQRH3K9

[featured resource] How to Write What You Want to Say in Mathematics

This concise booklet outlines the nature of mathematical writing: its common forms (such as classifying, comparing, explaining, extrapolating, interpreting, justifying), correct report construction, and conventions for showing mathematical working. It includes a glossary, sentence starters, connectives, lists of useful mathematical language and many examples of sound mathematical writing.

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Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook page and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

'Fraction Phobia': The Root of Math Anxiety?

Tough new numeracy and literacy tests to be given to Australia’s graduating teachers from 2016

BYOD brings its own challenges for schools and students

12 Reasons Students Just Aren't That Into You

Students struggle to hear teacher in new fad open-plan classrooms

How Elementary School Teachers’ Biases Can Discourage Girls From Math and Science

Is online education good or bad? And is this really the right question?

Essential teaching practices – do they exist?

Making Maths count: Top ten Apps for learning

Learn math without fear, Stanford expert says

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