Welcome to the Natural Skincare Mini Course!

Hey there,

I can't even tell you how happy I am that you signed up for my natural skincare 5-day mini course!

Because making just a few small changes can make a HUGE difference.

The ideas you'll get over the next week are not only more natural options for your skin, but they are also better for the environment AND they will save you money.

The best part?

These are EASY changes to make.

If they weren’t easy then I would have given up a long time ago. With chronic health issues that in the past caused me to be so weak that I couldn’t even brush my hair without needing to lie down for a rest afterwards, I’m a big proponent of easy.

It took me five years of recovery to get to a point where I was able to start functioning again. It was almost ten years before I was able to start having a normal life. I still live with chronic pain and limitations, but I do everything I can to keep that from ever happening again.

I changed what I put in my body and what I put ON my body. 

Your skin is your largest organ, much larger than your digestive tract, and it absorbs what you put on it. That’s how medicated patches like those for nicotine and morphine work.

There are entire websites dedicated to evaluating the toxicity level of beauty products like shower wash and lotions, so I won’t go into that here. What I will say is that it’s all much too complicated. There are huge lists of ingredients that I can’t pronounce or have much of an idea of what they do.

I didn’t want to hunt and search for answers for every single product I wanted to buy so I asked myself what SIMPLE changes can I make to FEEL GOOD about what I am using on my body.

Here is what I came up with:

Look at the products I use on my skin, and see how I can replace them with the easiest and most natural alternative.

Totally manageable, right?

You’ll get one new idea each day for five days and at the end, I bet you will be shocked by how easy it was to make a world of difference!

IMPORTANT: Add hello@gardentherapy to your email address book and be sure to add me to your safe senders list. If you can't find my emails, search for "garden therapy" in your email promotions or other folders. 

Now you should be all set. See you tomorow for Day 1 of the Mini Course!



PS: Read more about my healing journey and why I started Garden Therapy here

Stephanie Rose | Garden Therapy
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Garden Therapy


Suite #358 2055 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC V5N 0C7