Hello, Welcome back to Progress Notes - PRN.
In this issue:

EHR: Panacea or Pandora's Box by Jeff Harris, R.Ph.

Process Design for Patient Safety by Ted Schmidt,R.Ph.,CERM

An additional perspective on a Kevin MD article titled:

Doctors and nurses need better support when they make errors by Eric T. Schulze, CERM original article by Nina Shapiro, MD

New website feature, a live chat box to help quickly answer your questions. It's free to use, stop by and just say "hello" if you want.

An Expert Panel Report convened by the hospital discovered that the travel documentation entered by the nurse was in the system, but required the physician to navigate to another part of the system to find it.

by: Jeff Harris, R.Ph.


Process Design for Patient Safety by Ted Schmidt, R.Ph.,CERM

These are concerns that have been expressed by hospitals and from a recent roundtable at the last DNV- GL symposium. While we would all agree that we are in the best accreditation scheme for our changing healthcare environment, we are still concerned that we are not where we thought we might be in this journey. We still have concerns because we believed that we would be further up the maturity scales than where we likely are today. Also, as healthcare professionals, we are always striving to improve our processes and our delivery of care.

Some feel that they haven’t you been properly attended to along this journey. The vast array of accreditation resources that were filling our mailboxes before our DNV GL days are mostly gone. Your options have been scarce. DNV GL can offer assistance, but it’s mostly limited. Through no fault of their own, they are restricted from providing consultative guidance. DNV GL can tell you what to do (education), just not how to do it (consulting/advising). The advice that you should have been given on this journey should have been in concert with your needs, not what an outside expert said that you needed. That same advice should have matured as your new accreditation matured. Sadly, it may not have.

Your patients deserve something better. YOU deserve something better. Having worked inside an accredited hospital and having listened to your needs, we’ve developed an accreditation resource. We took your concerns and created an experience to begin your move to accreditation adolescence. It’s a unique blend of experiential knowledge, a proven learning model (it was used in the earliest days at DNV GL) and the content based on your top 3 concerns.

And, it’s available “PRN”.

Click here to learn more about how your hospital can begin the journey to mature your accreditation where you envisioned it when you began.

Our website has a live chat feature to quickly answer questions you may have - it is a free resource for you to use.

Or better yet, call us and 1-844-424-7825 and speak to one of our advisors.

Let’s grow up together. You’ll be glad we did.

“In September 2010, a seasoned pediatric intensive care unit nurse administered an accidental overdose to a critically ill baby, giving ten times the amount of calcium that was prescribed. Five days later, this baby, with an already tenuous heart condition, died. The nurse recognized her mistake immediately, informed her superior, and also told the family and physicians. She was, however, escorted out of the hospital, put on administrative leave, and fired soon thereafter. In April 2011, she took her own life”.

Read More

Coming to BlueSynergy in 2016

Here is a brief listing of what we will be sharing with you in 2016. We know that you'll enjoy these enhancements!

- BlueSynergy University: We will launch in the second quarter of 2016 our BlueSynergy University, or BSU! BSU will roll out in stages, beginning with on-demand videos, addressing topics you have been asking about for years! Stage 2 will roll out in late 2016 or 2017 and will include among others, employee certifications, orientation training and videos for your hospitals' use for new employees, etc. BSU will be a subscription service with some freebies early in it's release. BSU will be hosted on our BlueSynergy website.


- DNV-GL Corner: We'll take current hot issues related to your accreditation and discuss them further. We intend to provide clarity on these issues so that you can focus on doing your work. We will do the legwork for you and ensure that our discussions align to those at DNV-GL.

- Monthly Quality Tools: We will offer a monthly toolbox on how to effectively use certain quality tools to enhance your accreditation. This "how-to" section will contain tools ranging from problem-solving to risk-assessment to Cost of Quality.

- Healthcare Subject Matter Experts: We've enlisted healthcare professionals (clinicians and non-clinicians) who excel in many functions in your accreditation to offer their expert opinions. Who wouldn't want to know how to most effectively engage your medical staff or how to manage your Contracted Services more efficiently?

- Blog and Social Media Themes: We will offer even more information to you on a push/pull basis on topics that are relevant to you now! Our themes will be mostly quarterly, but may change as priorities change....for instance, we'll interrupt our regularly scheduled programming of Management reviews for updates on "Zika" Virus. LIke this, here's a link to the CDC website for information for healthcare workers.

We hope that you will enjoy these updates. Look for even more to come as we develop and prove some additional new innovative concepts! We want to be the valued resource for all of your accreditation questions...and beyond!


In our next issue:

Risk Tool - How to use Heat Maps

Managing your DNV GL nonconformances

FAQ's for ISO 9001:2015

Follow us on Social Media.

We engage in current conversation on topics that affect your hospital, patient safety, and risk-based thinking, all relevant and on point.

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Eric T. Schulze, CERM
Senior Advisor

Ted Schmidt, R.Ph.,CERM
Senior Advisor

BlueSynergy Associates LLC

8137 Autumn Ln Suite 100

West Chester, Ohio 45069