Monthly Gazette - Issue 3.02 - February 2016

Ah yes - February: the month of groundhogs and hearts. 

For those of us in the northern part of the world, we get excited about groundhog because, well, for those of you who don't know, if Mr. (or Ms.) Groundhog sees his/her shadow on Feb. 2nd, we get six more weeks of winter and if it isn't seen, then it's only six more weeks til spring. OK, that's not really the "rules" but it's my version and it makes me chuckle. And a smile is always a bonus! 

As for hearts, well, it's all about our loves. I could get all gushy about soulmates or I could talk about our other love - our crafting, our crocheting. Doesn't the thought of it make your heart pound and your hands shake? It's a wonderful craft, isn't it - therapeutic, meditative, creative expression, and...?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on crocheting. Share the love here, in this blog.


Quarterly Awards

And the winners from the 10 beautiful entries are ... 

Sro-Austin and MsDebbieP!
Yes, we had a tie -- a situation never before seen in our history of Awards events. That's pretty special. 

Congratulations to everyone who participated with entries and with voting! 

See all the results here


Our Collaborations and Challenges continue. I, personally, am really enjoying these "side projects" that I can work on in-between the other one(s) that I have on the go!

Temperature Afghan



Creator: Lcbax


Creator: etelina

More Captivating Crochet.Community Creations

Theme Of The Month: HEARTS

Check out all of our
HEART-related creations.

Do you have any
HEART-creations in the works? 

Heart Theme
See All Creations

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