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Greetings Whovians!

In case you haven't been keeping track, we're just two weeks away from the 10th Anniversary of 'modern' Doctor Who.  On March 26, 2005, "Rose" was broadcast returning Doctor Who to the air and introducing the amazing world of Doctor Who to millions of new fans globally.  That sounds like a reason to celebrate!

On the night of the 26th, we are aiming to release the first chapter of "Bigger on the Inside" and we will be trying our best to get the next part of Chapter 4 out as well (largely depends on a few remaining clearances).  We're also aiming for new Titan Comics content that week based on their forthcoming Ninth Doctor series!

Patch Tonight!

Today is of course patch day.  Tonight, you can expect the following:

  • The rotation of 150% bonus experience back to Season 7 / Chapter 1.
  • The end of the bonus time crystal sale! **
  • New Perk addition - "Leech" - in tab 3 of Perks

Also, tonight, you'll see the first pass at a retuning of the difficulty curve in the first part of the game, to help new users to better acclimate to Doctor Who: Legacy.

The affected levels are:

 -Sontaran Disturbance: USA

-Angels Take Manhattan: 2012

-Angels Take Manhattan: The Basement

-Angels Take Manhattan: 1938

-Hearts of Steel

-Nerves of Dalekanium

-Fists of Arnickleton

-Dinosaurs on a Spaceship: Run!

-Solomons Robots

-Terror of the Weeping Angels

While many of you are very experienced long term players of the game, we would love your feedback as well as feedback from new players, on whether the difficulty feels more accommodating to new players.  A great chance to introduce the game to your fellow Whovians!

** Apple users, we are aware that many of you are having issues with purchases while we wait for the new emergency client update to go live from Apple.  If this has effected you, please email us at and we will assist you.  If you have been unfairly able to purchase during the bonus sale, please reach out to us through support and we will address that as well! Thanks for your patience! **

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 will be picking up where it left off this month and will see all of the incarnations of the Doctor vanishing and your team relying on Professor River Song to uncover the information needed to destroy the Toclafane, hidden deep within The Library!  

Yes, for these levels, Professor River Song will fill in for the Doctor in the Doctor slot in your team!

We'll also be introducing new gameplay mechanics, particularly for expert model levels, which will allow enemies to Reflect various color damage.  Requiring you and the Doctor to be more on your toes than ever before!

Bigger on the Inside

“Bigger on the inside” is a new side story in the Doctor Who: Legacy universe which began with some teaser levels in the Advent Calendar.

The story for "Bigger on the Inside" is our first story arc which kicks off with all incarnations of the Doctor present and sees the TARDIS, and her guests, thrown into danger as a virus invades her systems.

The expansive story will see individual arcs for the Tenth, First, Fourth, Ninth, and War doctors, but they all will have their own chance to face up against the mastermind behind the plot which they’re trapped in.

The story adds a new art style to the game which will exist within (and is explained as part of) the "Bigger on the Inside" story. Only costumes will drop during the story, and all costumes will drop 100% of the time, based on the new art style.

As soon as we saw PixelWho's art we fell in love, and we knew we had to do something with it in the game. As well as drawing all the new enemies and ally / Doctor costumes, Nathan will also be drawing many new backgrounds from such iconic episodes as "The War Machines", "The Web Planet", "The Empty Child", and "The Tenth Planet".

The story is a love letter to the TARDIS where we’ll see how the Doctors react when her--and their--existence is put on the line. We’ll visit parts of the TARDIS from throughout the history of the show, from the TARDIS botanical house to the Logopolis and TV movie versions of the cloister room, and even to the place of her birth in the coral reefs of Gallifrey, as the Doctor enters her memory banks to try and eradicate the virus. 

We look forward to sharing the first part of this story with you alongside the 10th anniversary of the show.  And to delivering more episodes in the story over the coming months.

Martha: “Oh my God! Doctor, what’s happening to you?”

10th Doctor (pixelated): (Looks down at himself) “I don’t know, what’s happening to me?”

Martha: “You’re all… blocky”

10th Doctor (pixelated): “Thanks.”

Martha: “I mean, how you look is all corrupted. Pixelated.”

War Doctor (pixelated): “She’s right, you look ridiculous.”

10th Doctor (pixelated): “Careful old man, you don’t look any better. The TARDIS can project anything onto your visual cortex, and the system controlling that has been invaded by the virus. We’re all still the same, but the TARDIS is making us look this way to each other. Hmmmm. Making people you see look really strange, maybe the virus was created by the Trickster Brigade to mess with us. I'm still me, you're still you, there are far more important things to be worried about right now".


A reminder that Doctor Who: Legacy will be joining Colin Baker, Sophie Aldred, Katy Manning and more at this year's Anglicon event in Seattle this June!  

If you haven't registered yet, head on over and be sure to use "LegacyWho" for a discount on membership!  That code expires on Sunday night Pacific time!


Join us Thursday for the usual uproarious live stream with The Adipose and the Tiny Rebel Games crew!  Note that the clocks have changed in the US - so we'll be live at 1 pm pacific (8 pm UK)

THURSDAY, 1 pm pacific, 4 pm eastern, 8 pm UK

Tiny Rebel Games