The WP Weekly on Product Hunt 🎉 🔥 🚀

The WP Weekly has been listed on the Product Hunt website. I am looking for some geek support... please upvote, comment, and share with your geeky online friends.

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Ryan, "I've subscribed, and then unsubscribed from a lot of newsletters. Too much sending, topics not relevant, etc. This is one that I always look forward to opening. It's packed with useful tips and tricks in a clear and concise manner for any level of WordPress expertise."

, "Following Davindar's work from a long time and I can say the stuff which comes in the inbox in WP Weekly is quite amazing. Most of the times its impossible to keep track of what is going around across WP ecosystem. WP Weekly acts like Siri for WP ninjas lol."

Ed Stutzman
, "The WP Weekly newsletter is a must read! Davinder does an outstanding job in highlighting relevant WordPress updates and breaking news. Give yourself the gift of time from Davinder. I’m quite sure you’ll be glad you did."

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Davinder Singh Kainth
A creative who Loves to Create Online Spaces powered by WordPress.

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The WP Weekly

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