We exercise and eat well to look after our physical health. What do we do to look after our mental health?

More than half of all medical problems are linked to mental distress.

Understanding ourselves and how our minds work brings goodness, compassion and a sense of peace. We can then meet life's challenges without getting stressed.


Its been a busy few months for the Human Enquiry Project and there is a lot to share:

Talk on Happiness in York on 30th May: I am speaking on ‘The elusive art of happiness’ at the York Explore Library on 30th May at 6.30pm. Whatever our circumstances, the search for happiness drives most of our actions but it remains elusive. Why? The event is free but limited to 50 seats, so do let us know if you can come: info@humanenquiry.com

New 4 min. video: Why do we argue and what is going on in our minds when we do?.  Exploring this question may lead us to realise that hidden from our awareness, the underlying process behind all arguments is the same in everyone. This brings illumination and could transform our relationships and end the conflict associated with arguments- whether at home, at work, between politicians or between countries.

Primary School Project: I’m working with teachers from St Helens School in Hartlepool to explore ways in which we can begin to teach self-knowledge to children. In our first session we explored ways of increasing their sensitivity and awareness using their senses, and how to make them aware of their conditioning. The teachers were creative and enthusiastic and I was very encouraged.

Secondary School Project: I met with a Head-teacher of a large secondary school and he was keen and has spoken to his executive team. I’m waiting to hear about next steps, which may include a talk to teachers.

University Project: I’ve continued my association with Newcastle University and been speaking to students on understanding stress. The feedback was excellent and several have volunteered for the project. We explored how we need to prepare ourselves for the challenges that we may suddenly face, like failing an exam, by understanding ourselves and how our minds work.

Preventing Suicide: I’ve been troubled by the spate of suicides recently, from children as young as 13, to university students and doctors. I feel this tragedy is entirely preventable if we can educate everyone about the nature of stress and strategies to cope when a challenge arrives.

Teachers Conference: I spoke at the North-East Teachers Conference recently about the benefits of teaching emotional intelligence to children. The feedback has been encouraging. I met a trade union rep. who told me about the high level of stress amongst teachers at present. This enquiry is as much a benefit to teachers as it is to their students.

Online course on self-awareness: While the talks are a good introduction to self-knowledge they are just that – an introduction. I am considering developing an online course on self-awareness loosely based on the 26 chapters in the book. Do feedback with your thoughts on this, and if you can help in any way.

Benefits of self-awareness: Why should we bother with understanding ourselves? This leads to wisdom which is essential for our happiness. By understanding ourselves we can understand others and our relationships can improve. We can live with goodness and compassion and meet life’s challenges without getting stressed.

Free Project: The project remains free. The ebooks are given free to everyone in education, and the talks and my time remain free. This is to make this understanding accessible to everyone, and to give the project the integrity it deserves.

Translations: The book Understanding Me Understanding You is being translated currently in to 6 languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugese and Turkish. 


humanenquiry.com: Has videos, podcasts, blogs, and mind-maps.

Facebook: Has regular updates of the project



How can you help?

  • Volunteer your time, because there is so much to do 
  • Connect us with people you know in education
  • Connect us with policy makers
  • If you are willing to translate the book into a language not yet listed above, please get in touch
  • Contact us on info@humanenquiry.com

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Please share this with others, and join us to help make the world a better place, by awakening wisdom, which comes when we understand ourselves and how our minds work. 

With best wishes

Manoj Krishna

Human Enquiry Project
