Prayer requests from Resonate Global Mission missionaries and ministry leaders
Prayer Points

Prayer Points from ministry leaders around the world:

  • Pray for Resonate missionaries in British Columbia as they share the gospel with a people group from the Middle East who are from a predominantly Muslim background. Ask the Holy Spirit to open hearts to the truth of Jesus as Lord and Savior!

  • Give thanks for how God is working in and through the lives of immigrants in Canada and the United States. Willowdale CRC celebrated 40 baptisms earlier this year! Please pray for Willowdale CRC's community as they disciple seekers and new believers in their neighborhood! 

  • Brenda Kronemeijer-Heyink, a Resonate campus minister at Campus Edge Fellowship at Michigan State University, asks you to pray for a student who is searching for God. Brenda has been able to regularly meet with him online, share the gospel, and respond to his questions about faith and life. Ask the Holy Spirit to continue working in this student's life and bring him into relationship with Christ!

  • After the tropical storm Cristobal, there has been flooding in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. "Our hearts go out to people already suffering from COVID-19 and now have this added suffering," said Resonate volunteers John and Shirley Wind, who both recently recovered from coronavirus themselves. Please pray for relief.

  • A Resonate missionary in Eastern Europe asks you to pray for fruitful trainings for church planters. Ask God to work through the trainings to mentor and equip more Christian leaders for his kingdom.

  • Please pray for Kwon Do Lee and Brian Na, two Resonate church planters in New York City. The cost of living and planting a church in NYC is staggering and made even more difficult by the coronavirus. Please pray that God will provide for their families and ministries.

Your Prayer Matters!

We recently asked you to pray for International Campus Ministry, a Resonate partner at Western Michigan University, as they served students during COVID-19.  Many students were struggling to meet needs because of restrictions caused by the pandemic.

Thank you for praying!

"We now estimate that we have reached over 2,250 students with food and groceries—and helped 150 students with rent, utility, or medical financial assistance," said Jordan Palladino, a campus minister. "This amazing impact would not be possible without your amazing support. Thank you!"

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Resonate Global Mission

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