Prayer requests from Resonate Global Mission missionaries and ministry leaders
Prayer Points

Prayer Points from ministry leaders around the world:

  • A Resonate missionary in West Africa asks you to pray for a believer and his family who was recently denied access to a food program because of his faith in Christ. "Pray that despite being rejected, the Lord will provide food for him and his family," asks your missionary.

  • Give thanks for ministry leaders, like Cody Zuiderveen, who has followed God's call on his life from Haiti to the United States to disciple young adults. Pray for wisdom, encouragement, and guidance for Cody and other ministry leaders as they disciple believers and share the gospel with those who are seeking faith.

  • Paul Yu, a Resonate regional mission leader, started his first spiritual direction training by Zoom with 30 people in Central and East Asia. “Missionaries are deeply thirsty for spiritual connection with God now as they have lost their usual connection with people under lockdown situations,” said Paul. “Pray for the healing and transformation of their souls by God's Spirit.”

  • During the coronavirus pandemic, many churches have stepped out into their neighborhoods to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and church attendance spiked online. As CRC churches are making plans to gather in-person again, pray these missional opportunities would not be lost. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide congregations as they continue to respond to needs in their communities and throughout the world.

  • Many international students find community at Resonate partner campus ministries. Thank God for Christians who have come to North America to study and who broaden our understanding of what it means to follow Christ. Pray for students who aren't Christians—that they may come to know and follow Jesus.

  • The coronavirus pandemic has been hard for many churches, especially church plants. Pray for Resonate partner church plants throughout Canada and the United States that launched shortly before COVID-19 forced churches to take gathering online. Ask the Holy Spirit to sustain these ministries.

Your Prayer Matters!

We've been asking you to pray for Resonate missionaries, campus ministers, and church planters as they respond to the needs during the coronavirus pandemic and adapt their ministries to continue serving. Thank you for praying!

"For what we have given up, we have also gained," said Mary Buteyn, a Resonate missionary in Germany.

Give thanks that the coronavirus pandemic has not stopped believers from gathering together, serving their neighbors, and growing in relationship with Christ. God is at work.

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Resonate Global Mission

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