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EaP CSF Newsletter 

31 March 2015

For the newsletter in Russian, please click here

Invitation to submit expressions of interest to participate in the 7th annual meeting of the EaP CSF (Kyiv, Ukraine, 20-21 November 2015)

The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) is now inviting all interested parties to submit expressions of interest to participate in the 7th annual meeting of the EaP CSF. The submission of expressions of interest is a necessary step in the selection process to participate in the EaP CSF annual meeting to take place on 20-21 November in Kyiv, Ukraine. 

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Highlights of the presentation of the EaP Index 2014 publication

On 25th of March 2015, an EaP CSF panel event The Eastern Partnership in 2014: turning point for some, insecurity for all took place in the premises of the Open Society Foundation in Brussels. The focal point of the event was the presentation of the new edition of The European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries 2014 (EaP Index 2014). The 2014 Index generates recommendations to guide countries along the reform process and serves as a monitoring tool for both civil society and policymakers in the partner countries and the EU.

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Steering Committee position on Imposing Sanctions against Russian Media

Following Boris Nemtsov’s assassination, the Steering Committee of the EaP CSF adopted a position on imposing sanctions against Russian media. Nemtsov repeatedly argued that the West should sanction Russian media owners and managers who broadcast propaganda at home or abroad. This propaganda supports President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, seeks to destabilise other Eastern Partnership countries and promotes fear, insecurity, and aggression in the region.

SC Position

A clearer vision of where the Eastern Partnership is leading is necessary - EaP CSF at EURONEST PA

There is a need for the Eastern Partnership countries to have clearer perspectives regarding their further integration with the EU. The civil societies of the EaP need clearer vision of where the Eastern Partnership leads their countries and expect the European Union to help in shaping that vision. The EU should fully recognize the European perspective for Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and explicitly state this at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga.

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Call for reforms, fair elections and stronger engagement with civil society – Civil society event at EURONEST PA

During a session co-organised by the EaP CSF, held on 16 March 2015 in the margins of the Fourth Ordinary Assembly of EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly, civil society representatives highlighted the role of Civil Society Organisations as drivers for reforms, the importance of organizing fair elections, and security concerns in the region.

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Working Group Councils meetings

All working group councils except for WG3 had their yearly meetings in March. Working group 2 and Working group 5 Council met in Brussels, Working Group 1 Council met in Yerevan in the margins of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. Working Group 4 Council met online. The Working Group 3 Council will meet on the 2 of April. The major points on the agenda included developing the annual priorities for each Working Group and setting priorities for the small projects of groups.

Upcoming Events

EaP Business Forum in Riga still open - registration until 7 April 2015. More Info

EaP Conference on “Rural Advisory System (RAAS): Best Practices and Experiences for European Networking”, Riga 15-16 April 2015

EaP Foreign Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg on 20 April 2015

EaP Platform 2 Meeting in Brussels on 23 April 2015

EaP Conference on Regional and Local Authorities in Brussels on 23 April 2015

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the EaP CSF
Rue de l'Industrie 10
1000 Brussels