Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Yehuda Lave is an author, journalist, psychologist, rabbi, spiritual teacher and coach, with degrees in business, psychology and Jewish Law. He works  with people from all walks of life and helps them in their search for greater happiness, meaning, business advice on saving money,  and spiritual engagement

Why did Moshe add the words, "similar to you" when giving them a blessing for increased multitudes?

As he begins to give the Children of Israel rebuke, Moshe says:

"The Almighty, the God of your fathers, should add (to the number of your people) - similar to you - a thousand fold."

Why did Moshe add the words, "similar to you" when giving them a blessing for increased multitudes?

Rabbi Leibel Eger explains that since Moshe was reproving the people for their errors, he wanted to make sure that they would not feel depressed and discouraged by his criticism. Therefore, he told them that he did not consider them to be evil, but rather there should be a thousandfold more just like them!

Our lesson: If we need to admonish someone, then the goal is for them to change. To do that, the person must feel good about himself and feel that you value him. Therefore, 1) don't condemn the person 2) find something positive to praise 3) gently show the person the negative results of his behavior 4) set out the benefits to him for changing his actions. Anyone can make a person feel awful; it takes a real artisan to build someone up and to help him change!

Every Democratic Excuse For Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism Is More Vile Than The Last

By Ben Shapiro - 3 Adar II 5779 – March 10, 2019

This week, the Democratic Party proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is willing to not only countenance but embrace anti-Semitism, so long as the anti-Semitism comes from members of their intersectional coalition. In less than two months, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has fallen under scrutiny for open anti-Semitism no less than three times. First, she came under scrutiny for an old tweet in which she stated that Israel had “hypnotized the world” – an old anti-Semitic canard attributing magical powers to the Jews. Then, she came under fire for suggesting that American support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins” – an old anti-Semitic canard that Jewish money lay at the root of America’s support for Israel. Finally, she came under scrutiny for stating that American supporters of Israel were exhibiting dual loyalty – a third old anti-Semitic canard suggesting that Jews are unified by clan, and are thus a nefarious force within the broader body politic.

To these open displays of anti-Semitism, the Democratic Party leadership has responded with excuse-making. To be sure, they condemned Omar’s first comments, drawing a reluctant half-assed apology from her. But there’s no apology forthcoming anymore – in fact, the Democratic leadership has been forced to bow before the intersectional power of Omar and her fellow anti-Semitic Congressional freshman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and their Jeremy Corbyn-loving enabler, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

This entire situation has placed Democrats in a rather uncomfortable situation. After all, Democrats have portrayed themselves as the party of tolerance, the party of anti-hate – and yet here they are, full-throatedly defending the world’s oldest and most durable hatred. This has led them to make a bevy of excuses for Omar’s commentary.

1. Omar Is A Benighted Child. This has been a common excuse made by Democratic leaders: Omar must not have known what she was saying. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has repeatedly said that Omar wasn’t “intentionally” anti-Semitic, and has added that she does not believe Omar “understands the full weight of the words” used. We’ve seen the same from many members of the media, who have turned themselves inside out to state that Omar’s longstanding anti-Semitism – anti-Semitism so brazen that it turned off even Jewish Democratic constituents in her district who met with her years ago – is actually just the result of her childlike naivete. If that’s the case, she should obviously be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee. But it’s not the case. Omar knows precisely what she’s saying, which is why she keeps saying it.

2. She’s Not Anti-Semitic – She’s Just Anti-Israel! This is both the most common and the most dangerous excuse-making on Omar’s behalf. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) suggested that criticism of Omar was creating a “chilling effect on our public discourse” because it was actually “branding criticism of Israel as actually anti-Semitic.” Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) went even further and suggested that criticism of Omar put Omar at risk. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) suggested, “We must not…equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel…What I fear is going on in the House now is an effort to target Congresswoman Omar as a way of stifling that debate.” But there is no debate. Omar didn’t make a single statement about Israel’s policies or government. She suggested that the Jewish State has hypnotic power, that Jewish money undergirds American support for Israel, and that Israel supporters have dual loyalty. This isn’t about Netanyahu or settlements or anything else Israel-related. It’s pure anti-Semitism.

This is a nefarious, evil trick. Anti-Israel commentators have for years stated that their commentary isn’t automatically anti-Semitic. They’re right – although calling for the destruction of the state of Israel or holding Israel to a double standard compared to other countries surely is. But now those same anti-Israel commentators are themselves conflating anti-Semitism with anti-Israel commentary. They’re stuffing open anti-Semitism into the anti-Israel box, then stating that those who criticize anti-Semitism are actually performing that conflation. If critics of Israel ever wonder why so many Israel supporters seem suspicious of their motives with regard to Jews, it’s because this trick has become so common.

It’s gaslighting, and it’s dangerous.

How dangerous? In 2014, a German court found that three Palestinian men who firebombed a synagogue in Germany weren’t anti-Semitic – they were merely anti-Israel. Anti-Israel criticism has become the easy way to mask anti-Semitism. Ask European Jews, who are targeted routinely – and whose targeting is then pooh-poohed by people who attribute the targeting to discontent with Israel.

3. TRUMP! This has also been a common response inside the Democratic caucus: why should we condemn anti-Semitism when Trump winked at the alt-right in Charlottesville? The answer: because you’re supposed to condemn anti-Semitism, you clods. This is peak whataboutism: Trump did something we don’t like, so we’re going to ignore our own side doing the same thing. And it’s worth noting that many on the Right, including me, excoriatedTrump for Charlottesville, and for his 2016 flirtation with the alt-right (I earned the coveted Most Targeted Jew Award from the ADL that year for my trouble). Here’s the sad reality: for many on the Left, criticizing anti-Semitism is only worthwhile if you’re doing it in order to slap at perceived political enemies. If the anti-Semitism is coming from perceived allies, better to ignore it. The New York Times admitted as much back in October, when they acknowledged that they had undercovered hate crimes in the city because “bias stemming from longstanding ethnic tensions in the city presents complexities that many liberals have chosen simply to ignore.” In other words, minorities were committing hate crimes against Jews, and that simply wasn’t a story worth covering, since it “refuses to conform to an easy narrative with a single ideological enemy.”

4. Intersectionality Rules The Day. The only honest excuse we’ve seen thus far comes from House Minority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), who stated that Omar’s intersectional experiences are simply too important to criticize her for Jew-hatred. Holocaust survivors, their relatives, and Jews generally ought to check their privilege. “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors,’” Clyburn stated. “‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her. I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

This, in the end, is the real Democratic excuse: Jews are too financially, educationally, and politically successful to be considered victims of anti-Semitism, particularly when that anti-Semitism comes from those who rank higher on the intersectional hierarchy of victimhood. That’s been the underlying Democratic argument for years at this point. Intersectionality means that Jews are the odd group out, even if they’re still the most targeted group in terms of hate crimes.

The Democrats are banking on their new intersectional coalition. If that means ignoring, downplaying, or outright lying about anti-Semitism, they’re willing to do it. And everyone, particularly American Jews, should take note of that vile but clear fact.

The damage of insults and putdowns can last for a lifetime.

by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

What kind of a human you will be depends largely on how you utilize the greatest gifts the Creator gave you: Your ability to think and speak.

Every time you speak to another person you have a choice to make: What should I say to this person right now and how should I say it?

A wise and kind choice of words will elevate you and enable the person you are speaking with to feel good in the present and will help build his self-image.

It is a great misuse of this awesome gift to cause other people pain with your words. The Talmud states that it is a worse crime to cause pain with words than to cheat another person financially. Why? Money can be returned. Words, once said, can never be taken back. The harm and damage of insults and putdowns can last for a lifetime.

When you insult someone and cause distress with your words, you are striking against the dignity of the other person. The highest level of kindness is to build someone's self-image. For the same reason, the worst crime is to rob someone of self-esteem and lower their self-image.

Most people aren't totally aware of the great harm they cause when they make destructive and demoralizing statements and when they hurt others with offensive and disrespectful speech. It's so easy to make counterproductive comments and ask non-constructive questions. There are many forms of subtle negative statements.

Very few people are truly mean and sadistic. But everyone gets frustrated, even angry at times. These feelings are the breeding ground of comments that hurt and inflict pain.

Ask any counselor or therapist and you will hear of the great damage caused to children who were insulted by their parents and teachers, siblings and peers, friends and neighbors. The unseen scars of hurtful words cause pain and anguish over and over again.

Ask any marriage counselor and you will hear of the mutual damage and pain caused to husbands and wives by the painful statements that were said out of frustration and anger. Even the nicest people speak in ways they shouldn't when they are in a bad mood.

What is the solution to this problem of epidemic proportions? We must all gain a greater awareness of what we are actually saying. Fortunately there is a new tool on the market that will give us the awareness we all desperately need.

The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has recently produced an amazing book , Positive Word Power (Artscroll publications). It is a very practical and fascinating guide to the Torah's wisdom on human interaction arranged for daily study.

If you speak to others, you need to read this tremendous book.

One reading of the book will already give you a deeper and heightened awareness of the power of your words. You build a better world with the words you speak when you speak wisely and kindly. You destroy lives when you do the opposite.

Everyone who reads this book will recall times when others caused them pain with what they said. Hopefully this will serve as a motivator to be more careful from now on with what we say.

Every parent and teacher needs to read this. And so does every husband and wife. And so does every brother and sister. And so does every neighbor and classmate. And so does anyone who buys or sells. And so does anyone who asks questions to another person or needs to answer the questions of anyone else. To put it concisely: If you speak to others, you need to read this tremendous book. Everyone you speak to will be glad you did.

Our emotional states have a tremendous impact on what we say and how we say it. After reading this book, I gained greater awareness that:

•  When we are hungry and tired, we need to be especially careful with how we speak.

•  When we feel frustrated in an interaction with someone, we must be careful to avoid sarcastic remarks.

•  When we are angry at someone and feel like letting him know how we feel, we need to master the self-control necessary to speak in a way that will express our true concerns without belittling or shaming the other person.

•  When we are involved in an argument with someone, we need to remember to remain calm and centered and to continuously speak in ways that are an expression of mutual respect.

•  The most important (and hardest!) point to keep in mind is: "Think before you speak!"

Click here to purchase "Positive Word Power".

National Library of Israel

he National Library of Israel was founded in 1892 as a world center for the preservation of Jewish thought and culture. Today, the National Library is the central institution devoted to national memory, not only of the State of Israel, but also of the Jewish people dispersed across the globe. The Library's mission, by law, is to "collect, preserve, cultivate and endow the treasures of knowledge, heritage and culture in general, with an emphasis on the Land of Israel, the State of Israel and the Jewish people in particular".

The resources of the National Library comprise over 5 million volumes of books (including incunabula), manuscripts, periodicals, personal archives, music, maps, photographs, and audio recordings. The Library’s collections are divided into four core areas: Judaica Collection, Israel Collection, Islam and Middle East Collection, Humanities collection. The quality and scope of the collections draw researchers, institutions, and individuals from all over the world.

The National Library of Israel is open to all. Groups interested in a guided tour with their own guide are requested to coordinate their arrival with the Visitors Center.

The following is a proposal for a self-guided tour.

After entering the Library turn right. On the wall to the left is a time-line illustrating the chronicles of the National Library, from its establishment in 1892 through the renewal process it is undergoing in the 21st century. From here it is suggested to go up to the first floor. You can use the stairs adjacent to the entrance of the Library or take the elevator near the guard's post, on this floor.

Please note:

The tour includes entering the reading rooms. Cell phones must be silenced or turned off so as not to disturb the readers.

Ardon Windows: Isaiah's vision of eternal peace by Mordecai Ardon*

Mordecai Ardon's stained glass windows are dedicated to Isaiah's vision of eternal peace:

And many people shall come and say: "Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

(Isaiah II:2-4)


The left panel depicts the roads taken by the nations on their way to Jerusalem. Each road is marked by the verse, "Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord…" in several different languages and alphabets including Latin, Greek, and Arabic. 

The middle panel focuses on Jerusalem. At the bottom of the panel, the city wall is represented as the Dead Sea Scroll of the Book of Isaiah. Above the wall a piece of parchment carries part of the prophecy, "and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares". Next to the parchment one can see a network of blue circles and lines – the Kabbalistic Tree of Sefirot. To the left of the Tree is a composition of Sefirot made of concentric circles, also derived from the Book of the Zohar. 

The right panel is Isaiah's vision come true: guns and shells beaten into spades that hover above them.


* Mordecai Ardon (1896-1992) was an Israeli painter. In 1963 he was awarded the Israel Prize for painting. Ardon's unique style received world recognition and fame. The painter commenced work the "Ardon Windows" in 1980 and finished in 1984.


To the left of the Ardon Windows is the Gershom Scholem Collection, the next stop of the tour.

The Gershom Scholem Collection (Opening Hours: Sunday – Thursday 09:00 – 18:00; Friday 09:00 – 12:45)

The Gershom Scholem Library, also known as the Gershom Scholem Collection, is a reading library specializing in the fields of Kabbalah, Hasidism and Jewish mysticism. It is the only collection of its kind in the world. The collection is based on the large personal library of Gershom Scholem, the renowned researcher of the Kabbalah. After Scholem's death, the collection was transferred to the National Library of Israel. The collection is housed in two dedicated reading rooms.

The collection includes some 35,000 items relating to the field of Kabbalah. The heart of the collection includes books (including numerous rare items), articles and facsimile manuscripts owned by Professor Gershom Scholem. Scholem edited many of the books, and added countless informative and critical comments in the margins and on the opening pages. These comments include many aspects that have not yet been published, adding a further dimension to the books and illuminating unknown aspects of the study of the Kabbalah. An additional part of the collection, which is growing steadily, consists of original literature and research works in the fields of Kabbalah and Hasidism. Existing and new publications are acquired by the Library through the Gershom Scholem Collection. 

After exiting the Gershom Scholem Collection, turn right. To the right of the elevator is the Bella and Harry Wexner Libraries of Sound and Song.



The Music Collection and Sound Archive (Opening Hours: Sunday – Thursday 09:00 – 18:00; Friday 09:00 – 12:45)

The National Sound Archives, part of the Music Department, has the world's largest collection of ethnographic and commercial recordings of Israeli and Jewish music. The collection also includes non-Jewish music. The collection includes printed material (such as books and scores), video and audio recordings (including phonograph records, compact disks and cassettes), and archival material (drafts of oeuvres, research notes, correspondence, pictures, documents, announcements, programs, newspaper items, private recordings, etc.). The department documents, preserves and avails to the public all materials relating to the music of Eretz Israel, and to Israeli and Jewish music.

At the front desk you can receive headphones and listen to compilations on the Library's Music website. 

The Eran Laor Cartographic Collection (Opening Hours: Sunday-Thursday: 09:00-14:00)*

The Eran Laor Collection includes ancient maps from as early as the fifteenth century, ancient atlases, travel books covering journeys to the Land of Israel and around the world, travel guides, the works of researchers who studied the Land of Israel in the nineteenth century, historical geography works, Biblical dictionaries and copies of the Bible and the New Testament that include maps. The collection also includes modern maps of Israel and the other countries in the region, as well as contemporary maps published in Israel and forwarded to the Library in accordance with the legal deposit laws. At the core of the Laor Collection there are some 1,500 ancient maps of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The collection also includes ancient maps of other parts of the world and modern maps of Israel and of Israeli cities (from before and after the establishment of the State). The collection includes maps in European languages, Hebrew, Yiddish and Arabic.


* If a staff member is available, a short tour can be requested. It is advised to schedule the tour upon arriving at the Library (074-7336430)


To the left of the Eran Laor Collection is the Edelstein Collection of the history, philosophy and sociology of science.

The Edelstein Collection of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (Opening Hours: Sunday-Thursday: 09:00-14:00)

The Edelstein Collection covers all areas of the History, philosophy and sociology of science. It includes sources as well as secondary literature, periodicals and a reference section. This comprehensive collection covers the history of science, from the 16th century up to the present, and focuses primarily on the history of chemistry and alchemy, and the history of dyeing, bleaching and dry-cleaning of textiles. Additional collections include: The history of medicine in general as well as monographs on special medical topics: hygiene, materia medica, physiology, anatomy, surgery, an antiquarian collection devoted to diet and food, and a comprehensive collection of History of 20th Century Physics and Science.




China's CHEVY!!! You really need to watch this!

This video shows how GM simply does not have any or much intent on expanding or maintaining its manufacturing presence in America but 
instead they are doing their growth, expansion, etc. in China 

Remember that GM's largest assembly plant is in Korea. And Ford's largest is in Brazil. Both are relatively new plants. They didn’t build them in the US. 

If this doesn't make "the hair on the back of your neck stand up" nothing will. China's Chevy? WOW!! This is truly a "MUST SEE" BUY A CHEVY ... WHAT A JOKE! OUR BAILOUT MONEY WAS WELL SPENT???

After investing $80 BILLION ($80,000,000,000.00) in GM this is what we 
get. Just take a few minutes to watch the video below.

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

2850 Womble Road, Suite 100-619, San Diego
United States