In line with the newly adopted strategy of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) for 2018-2020, the EaP CSF is looking for consultant(s) to support its Steering Committee (SC) in developing a detailed organisational reform proposal that will be offered for the adoption to the EaP CSF members no later than at the 10th EaP CSF Annual Assembly (October/November 2018).
The detailed Internal Reform proposal with at least two holistic reform scenarios should be based on the preparatory work conducted in 2017 (the developed basic scenarios for reform and the priority areas for reform identified and presented at the 9th EaP CSF Annual Assembly in October 2017). The reform proposal should be elaborated with a focus on helping the Forum reach its full potential as a unique multilateral structure.
The proposal will be developed after the consultation with the Steering Committee and if needed the feedback of Forum’s participants will be sought.
Download the Terms of Reference (PDF)