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Aviation Voice - Daily Newsletter


World’s Largest Aircraft Makes Maiden Flight

World’s Largest Aircraft Makes Maiden Flight

You have got it right. The biggest aircraft in the world took off for its first flight and, most importantly, successfully completed it on 13 April, 2019.

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Summit L-410 Veers off Runway and Collides with Two Helicopters

Summit L-410 Veers off Runway and Collides with Two Helicopters

A Summit Air Let L-410 was taking off from Lukla when the aircraft veered off the runway, collided with a helicopter destroying the helicopter and came to a stop after colliding with a second helicopter.

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American Airlines Extends Cancellations Amid MAX Grounding

American Airlines Extends Cancellations Amid MAX Grounding

American Airlines, one of the largest Boeing 737 MAX operators in the world, announced extending cancellations of flights for the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft through 19 August.

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Aviation Voice

Aviation Voice - echoes with up-to-date news gathered from the whole world of aviation.