Fans wish Tim Healy well - Sunday For Sammy 2016 DVD Preview - New Merchandise! Wayne Signature T-Shirt! - DHB...that's the district of Dusseldorf isn't it? - Gary Holton January 1984 Interview in 'Just Seventeen'...

Welcome to the June Newsletter!

This month we bring you all of this!

  • Fans wish Tim Healy well...
  • Sunday For Sammy 2016 DVD Preview...
  • New Merchandise! Wayne Signature T-Shirt!...
  • Gary Holton - January 1984 Interview in 'Just Seventeen'...
  • DHB...that's the district of Dusseldorf isn't it?...


Tim with wife Jo at February’s Sunday for Sammy 2016 After Show.

Photo courtesy of Joanne Mott.

As many fans will know, Tim Healy took ill last month whilst filming on location in Benidorm, Spain and was recently flown back to the UK to rest. Since news broke, we’ve been overwhelmed with get well wishes from fans across social media.

Whilst Tim is recovering, the team at the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet Fansite would like to take this opportunity to join fans in wishing ‘our gaffer’ a speedy recovery back to good health! 

Here are just a few of the messages we’ve received:

Sunday For Sammy 2016 DVD Preview...

Sunday the 12th June saw the official Sunday for Sammy 2016 DVD Preview launched at a private viewing where cast came together to watch a truly wonderful performance recorded back in February at Newcastle’s City Hall.

Two sell out performances featured Northern comedy in abundance and an array of fine live music plus a two-part special Auf Wiedersehen, Pet sketch entitled ‘Helen and the Geordies’ – a hilarious comedy take on ‘Helen of Troy’ - penned by the shows original writers Ian Le Frenais and Dick Clement.

This two-hour entertainment extravaganza not only remembers Sammy Johnson (AKA Martin Cooper, Series 2) but the late Brendan Healy (AKA Andy, Series 1) in a truly fitting tribute to two Geordie legends.

For a full review and photos of this year’s performance check out our March newsletter here.

Did you attend this year’s ‘Sunday for Sammy’? And did you wear one of our official t-shirts on the night? Well if this sounds like you, grab yourself a copy of the DVD, spot yourself in the audience and be the first to contact us and we’ll send you something special from our exclusive range!

Directed and produced by Geoff Wanfor for MWM Ltd, the ‘Sunday for Sammy 2016’ DVD is due for general release very soon! Be the first to know when and how to get your copy by following us at @aufwiedpet and @sundayforsammy

Just some of the Sunday for Sammy team and the guys that brought you the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 2013 Convention: Left to right: SFS Producer & Lindisfarne’s drummer Ray Laidlaw, ‘Made to Treasure‘ Shaun & Karen Goldfinch, ‘Highlights PR’ Keith Newman and Lindisfarne’s Billy Mitchell. Photo courtesy of @HighlightsPR

Team member Andy Patrick with the gorgeous Lesley Saint John AKA Vicki following the Sunday for Sammy 2016 DVD Preview at The Cluny, Ouseburn Valley. Photo courtesy of Nikki Saint John


Stand out from the crowd this summer with our brand new Signature Series tee featuring the very first words uttered from our lovable cheeky Cockney, whilst attempting to break the ice with our tough Geordie trio, Dennis, Oz and Neville.

Red was Wayne’s choice of colour and we’ve captured fans favourite quote beautifully with this distinctive design perfectly matching his bold yet charming personality.

What’s more, the classic sleeve logo includes a splash of blue as a subtle nod to Wayne’s distinguished highlights offering that extra touch of class!

Each tee is digitally screen printed to the very highest standards on thick ultra-cotton beautifully complementing our exclusive range. Don’t believe us? Check out some of our fantastic reviews from Auf Wiedersehen, Pet fans across the globe here.

As one of our valued newsletter readers, we’re offering you an exclusive pre-order via the following link before anyone else - guaranteed to be despatched in time for Father’s Day!*

*applies first class orders placed before 4pm on Thursday 16th June 2016

Pre-Order Now!

Gary Holton - January 26th 1984

In early 1984, Gary Holton was interviewed by 'Just Seventeen' magazine with questions varying from his career as a singer, to what life is like today and how he got the part of Wayne. 

Read the full interview now:

Wayne Norris Keyring



Barry Taylor Keyring



D-HB…. That’s the district of Dusseldorf isn’t it?

The car wasn’t for sale… but the number plate certainly was in a recent on-line auction held last month!

Fans will remember Wayne’s cherished red BMW was a little present to himself after working 6 months in the ‘Arctic Circle’ in Series 2, Episode 7. Having ‘inadvertently overlooked’ import duty, his pride and joy was seized by Customs and Excise – thanks to Arthur ‘Tiger’ Pringle – resulting in Oz enjoying an afternoon of passion in a beautifully ironic twist of fate! (Ed. we knew there was a reason Stan Hey joined the writing team!!)

Whilst Wayne’s BMW is believed to have long since gone, the front number plate was retained by its owner as a souvenir.

Following last month’s auction, the anonymous winning bidder – and Auf Pet Super Fan - contacted us to share their news and photographs of this cherished piece of Series 2 memorabilia. It truly is one of a kind!

We’d like to thank the current owner for bringing this incredible collector’s item to our attention and for taking several snaps to share – more of which will appear on the Official Auf Wiedersehen, Pet Fansite very soon.


Do you have any memorabilia from Auf Wiedersehen, Pet? Want to share it with us? We’d love to hear from you. Simply drop us a line via our contacts page here.

Yours ’til the next point of interest,

Lee, Tim & Andy

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

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A minimum of 10% of proceeds from all sales goes to the Sunday For Sammy Trust based in the North East of England. Charity Number: 1144531

© The Official Logo Copyright Franc Roddam. 

© These exclusive Auf Wiedersehen, Pet designs are copyright of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 2016.

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