Sunday For Sammy 2016 DVD Preview...
Sunday the 12th June saw the official Sunday for Sammy 2016 DVD Preview launched at a private viewing where cast came together to watch a truly wonderful performance recorded back in February at Newcastle’s City Hall.
Two sell out performances featured Northern comedy in abundance and an array of fine live music plus a two-part special Auf Wiedersehen, Pet sketch entitled ‘Helen and the Geordies’ – a hilarious comedy take on ‘Helen of Troy’ - penned by the shows original writers Ian Le Frenais and Dick Clement.
This two-hour entertainment extravaganza not only remembers Sammy Johnson (AKA Martin Cooper, Series 2) but the late Brendan Healy (AKA Andy, Series 1) in a truly fitting tribute to two Geordie legends.
For a full review and photos of this year’s performance check out our March newsletter here.
Did you attend this year’s ‘Sunday for Sammy’? And did you wear one of our official t-shirts on the night? Well if this sounds like you, grab yourself a copy of the DVD, spot yourself in the audience and be the first to contact us and we’ll send you something special from our exclusive range!
Directed and produced by Geoff Wanfor for MWM Ltd, the ‘Sunday for Sammy 2016’ DVD is due for general release very soon! Be the first to know when and how to get your copy by following us at @aufwiedpet and @sundayforsammy