(Agent-based modeling) simulates the dynamics of technology adoption
among consumers. The model is supported by a complete framework for
parameter estimation based on historical data, and for the
quantification of the uncertainty that governs its ability to replicate
(Demand-side management modeling) is a fully integrated dynamic
high-resolution model resolving key features that are not found together
in existing Demand-Side Management (DSM) models. The model serves as an
entry point in DSM modeling in the building sector, by expanding the
computational capabilities of existing Building Energy System (BES)
models to assess the benefits and limitations of demand-flexibility,
primarily for consumers, and for other power actors involved.
(Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment) is an integrated
assessment modeling framework that simulates the environmental
consequences of human activities worldwide. The model can be used to
explore the long-term pathways for future environmental and sustainable
development problems as well as possible response strategies.