Prayer requests from Resonate Global Mission missionaries and ministry leaders
Prayer Points

Prayer Points from ministry leaders around the world:

  • A Resonate missionary in West Africa recently had a conversation about Jesus with a man who is a devout Muslim. Pray that the seeds planted will continue to grow and that this man will experience the saving grace of Christ.

  • Pray for the many people still recovering from Hurricanes Eta and Iota from last fall. Resonate missionary Steve Holtrop in Nicaragua has been facilitating trauma-healing workshops that help people bring their pain to Christ. Pray that people who participate in these workshops will continue to find hope, healing, and encouragement.

  • “God has opened the doors for some incredible conversations lately,” said Resonate missionaries Ray and Angie De Lange, who minister with a people group from a Muslim background in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pray the Holy Spirit will continue to work through these conversations.

  • Resonate missionaries serving in Central Asia give thanks for recent baptisms: “Pray that these new believers may grow in their relationship with God. Pray for their families to see God in them.” Please also ask God to protect these believers. For many of them, it can be dangerous to share their faith.

  • Give thanks for the ways New Era Christian Reformed Church in Michigan has been serving their community through a summer market. Pray that this market will continue to bring the community together and that people will experience Christ's love.

  • Resonate missionaries Abe and Elaine Lee, who serve in Mexico, recently wrapped up a season of Coffee Break small groups. “God has engraved his loving message in the heart of our participants,” said the Lees. Pray that God will continue to work in and through this group of believers.

Your Prayer Matters!

We've been asking you to pray for churches that are gathering through video calls or streaming worship services online. Thank you for praying!

Resonate missionaries and the churches they work with in Japan are noticing more people join worship. Some churches have even welcomed new members!

"Our groups are gradually to gather once again but we are going to need some more new name tags! Amazing! This has truly been a huge encouragement for me and my Japan colleagues, as you can imagine," said Resonate missionary Larry Spalink.

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