An ombudsperson for the Canadian extractive sector
We are almost there but we need your help!

For the last 10 years, we have been calling for an ombudsperson so that communities in the Global South impacted by Canadian extractive companies can have a Voice for Justice.


The Canadian government is currently negotiating with civil society organizations on the creation of an ombudsperson but one of the sticking points is whether this office will have investigative powers. Without the capacity to investigate, it will be nearly impossible for this mechanism for justice to be effective.

The mining industry is pushing hard to make sure that an ombudsperson will not have investigative powers. This week, lobbyists for the mining industry are descending on Parliament Hill to convince Members of Parliament to make sure this doesn’t happen.

But we can stop them! We need your help to make sure that your MP hears the other side of the story and knows that his/her constituents care and want an effective ombudsperson.


Call your MP’s office today and let them know what you think!

Here is a sample message  that you can use for  your phone call or in your email:

My name is ______________ and I am a member of Development and Peace. For 10 years, we have been campaigning, marching, emailing, tweeting, and meeting with the Canadian government to say that Canada needs a human rights ombudsperson for the international extractive industry. We are thrilled that the government will make an announcement soon about the creation of this office so that people who are negatively affected by the activities of Canadian mining companies have a way to seek justice.

However, we need to make sure that the ombudsperson’s office is effective: it is essential that this office is independent, that it has the legal power and the resources to investigate complaints, and that it is able to offer recommendations and monitor follow up.

I am asking you, my Member of Parliament to do everything you can to ensure that the government creates an independent ombudsperson so that people overseas who have been harmed by the activities of Canadian oil, gas and mining companies can have recourse to justice here in Canada.


Find the phone number or email of your MP here:

Members of Parliament

Your phone call or email could make all the difference and ensure that Canada has an effective ombudsperson and lives up to its reputation as a leader in human rights.

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Development and Peace
1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor Montréal, Québec Canada, H3G 1T7 
Telephone: 514 257-8711  | Toll Free: 1 888 234-8533
 Fax: 514 257-8497