Puzzle toys can prevent destructive behavior and can keep you pooch's mind active while you're away.

puzzle toys: food sudoku for your dog

Do you like puzzles?

Most of us do - who doesn't love a good challenge?

Whether it's a riveting game of Risk, sitting down for an epic night of Settlers of Catan, or digging in to a particularly tricky jigsaw puzzle, there's nothing like stretching that grey matter with a challenge.

Most dogs don't get nearly enough brain-boosting activity. While we might have our minds challenged each day at work, our pooches don't get that much-needed mental stimulation when they're sitting around the house all day.

No mental challenges means your dog is bored. And when dogs are bored, they tend to act out in other way - like tearing into those new Pottery Barn pillows.

This is why so many trainers advocate for feeding your dog through the use of a puzzle toy.

What are puzzle toys exactly? They are toys that allow you to insert treats (or even your dog's daily kibble) into a device, and force your dog to work and solve a puzzle to get his yummies.

Dog puzzle toys can range in sophistication and difficulty. Some simply require a dog to nuzzle or paw at a toy to get a reward. Other toys require dogs to tap certain colored lights for a mini-meal.

However you spin it, dog puzzle toys are pretty cool.

Want to give them a try? Check our out list of the latest and great dog puzzle toys here. It's time to make dinner interesting!

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