The Ancient Indian Vedic philosophy calls our mind as a monkey, that constantly jumps from one branch to the other, but, it was in that era.

Today, with all the distractions, the 24 hr news, app notifications, continuously ringing cell phones, it is the era of information overdose.
Our mind is not just a monkey, it is a monkey stung by a bee in its arse.

It seems almost impossible to concentrate and focus.

First, tell me, does this sounds familiar?

We humans, are nosy little creatures.
We have this urge and innate need to know everything that is happening around us.

No matter how irrelevant it is to us, we will take inconsiderate risks to know it all, and then find a way and design a logical sequence in our minds which will conclude that everything happening out there is about us.

And, as if that wasn't enough, we will go out the way to amplify the negative aspects of it and make our own lives difficult.

Can I get a "Oh, Yeah....!!!".

But, what if I told you, there are simple yogic techniques,
which when performed clear up your mind of all the noise and clutter and
bestow upon you laser sharp focus, instantly.

that is what the today's mail is all about.


# The Secret Focus technique:-

Shankhvartamudra / Mudra of Conch II

- remain seated in the same position you are in after doing the self-observation.

- maintain the upright posture and concentrate on your breathing to relax for a minute.

- Hold your palms in front of your chest facing each other.

- Now extend all the fingers on both the hands outwards.

- Then, touch the tips of all the fingers of one hand to the tips of the respective fingers of the other hand.

- Then bend the right Index finger at an angle of 90 degrees at the second knuckle. (Refer the image)

- Hold this Mudra in front of your chest.

- Focus your eyes on the tip of your middle fingers and concentrate on your breathing.

practice this Mudra for 3-4 mins. (you can perform this Mudra for a couple of minutes, throughout the day, when you feel very distracted and need to focus on things at hand)

I dare you, no matter how hard you try,
you will not be able to consciously distract yourself with irrelevant thoughts while performing this Mudra.
see for yourself.

Stay Healthy,

P.S.- This is just one technique, and I have compiled 14 such other, equally cool techniques into my newest book, "Declutter Your Mind - The Yogic Way".

The book is live on amazon and on sale for just $0.99, here:


But wait, I will be making the book available for free in the next week, so each and everyone of you can get it and practice these awesome yogic techniques. Be on a lookout for the launch email. :)

For all those of you, who cannot wait till then and want to support my work, you can click on the above link and buy the book today itself.
That would be really awesome.


















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