Prayer requests from Resonate Global Mission missionaries and ministry leaders
Prayer Points

Prayer Points from ministry leaders around the world:

  • Resonate volunteer Rebekah Wissink in Uganda asks you to please join her and her students in praying for their neighbors who practice Hinduism. Pray that they experience the love of Christ and come to know him.

  • Give thanks for a new Resonate church plant in Heremakono village in Sierra Leone. Twenty people from this Muslim settlement now meet every Sunday to worship Jesus as Lord. Ask God to draw more people who live in this village to know his saving grace.

  • Give thanks for Chris (not his real name), a graduate student connected with Resonate partner Geneva Campus Church in Wisconsin. Chris was raised with no religious upbringing but is currently searching for a higher power or ultimate purpose—and associate pastor Jim Kirk is helping him understand what Christians believe. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to Chris' heart.

  • Please pray for Resonate missionary Ellie Sikma's upcoming travel to Zambia and Tanzania, where she will assist Lydia Circle Ministries in training women in spiritual discipleship and evangelism. Ellie asks that you pray that God empowers her with his wisdom, love, and grace and that the women experience his presence.

  • The Tapestry Nights, a Resonate church plant in British Columbia, recently launched its first worship service. Pastor Michael Yang asks you to pray for wisdom and discernment for their leaders, and for more volunteers to step into various ministries.

  • "When an entrepreneur realizes that their talents in business can serve God, it changes communities," said Jesse and Jari Rodriguez, Resonate missionaries in Nicaragua. But many of the business owners they work with are struggling to remain open and provide for their families during the country's ongoing crisis. Pray that God will provide for these entrepreneurs and their families—and that their businesses will continue to serve him.

Your Prayer Matters!

Your prayer for ministry taking place around the world is truly felt by those you are praying for, and it makes a huge impact.

Last year, we asked you to pray for Mrs. Ohashi and God has answered that prayer! Ohashi made a grueling eight-hour trip every month to attend Discovery Bible Studies training. She found so much joy in the group that she wanted to take the lessons she learned and start a group in her own community. One year later, and she has! Read the story here!

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