Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Never Give up

Lower down in this email I have the story of Dave Wottle who in the 172 Olymic 800 meter run was last and came up first.

For these feet he went down in history as the man who never gave up.

I feel like Dave in my race to find a soul mate. Since I came close to getting married in June over the last four weeks I had another chance at romance and struck out again. I met her at a shabbat table and we clicked immediatly. She is a young mother with a 7 year old and I would have gotten a wife, child and a Father. Everybody loved me but my potential wife, who I was nuts about. We broke up after four weeks and I am back on the hunt again.

I must have a reader with a friend or relative who wants to live in Jerusalem with a machmir modern orthodox guy who works and learns and is kind of cute. I am a zionist and a hopeless romantic. My soul mate must want to live in Jerusalem and listen to love songs. I need help and I am asking for it, but I will never give up.

Love Yehuda Lave

Your friend Yehuda


Never Give up

Leading up to the 1972 Olympic Games in MunichGermany, Wottle won the AAU 800 meter title before equaling the world record over 800 meters of 1:44.3 at the US Olympic Trials.

At the Olympics, in the Olympic 800 meter final, Wottle immediately dropped to the rear of the field, and stayed there for the first 500 m, at which point he started to pass runner after runner up the final straight.[5] He seized the lead in the final stretch to beat pre-race favorite Yevgeny Arzhanov of the Soviet Union by just 0.03 seconds. This gained him the nickname of "The Head Waiter". (Another nickname was "Wottle the Throttle").[6] Stunned by his victory, Wottle forgot to remove his cap on the podium during the national anthem. This was interpreted by some as a form of protest, but Wottle later apologized at the news conference following the medals ceremony.[7] He also competed in the 1500 meter run at the Munich Olympics, but he was eliminated in the semi-finals.

His signature cap was originally used for practical purposes. He sported long hair at the peak of his career, so the hat kept his hair out of his face. After realizing the cap was part of his identity, and for good luck, he wore it for the remainder of his career.[5]

Close Rabbi David Bar-Hayim 17 hours ago Rav Kook: Time to Release and Disseminate All His Writings

Dave Wottle Never gave up Follow the white cap. #OnThisDay #Munich1972

Parasha/ Haftarah Poetry –Ki Savo – Serve or Suffer


By Evelyn Haies

©August 31, 2015


O Nation of Israel, serving idols of another,

Doing abominations, perverting His laws makes you suffer

Causing the blind man to go astray

Is not proper leading by the Jewish way


O descendants of Yaakov deceiving yourself

You have lost your well being and wealth

You were taken out of Egypt with a strong hand

But with HIS outstretched arm you did not stand.


Forgetting the miracles in the Land of milk and honey

Choosing the alien your world was no longer pleasant and sunny.

Hunger, disease and oppression were the facts of your shame

Decimation and domination by a new Egypt because of you came. .


O Nation of Israel, serving HASHEM is the way to redemption

Unifying the past and the present means a future with rectification

Serving HASHEM and HIS commandments with gratitude

Stops the negative, Is a positive attitude.


Remembering the poor, the widow and orphan

Giving charity to the less fortunate often

Merits mercy and blessings

Hearkening to His demands are Jewish history's true Torah lessons


O Nation of Israel doing what is right

Will raise you up from curses and blight

And be an example for the whole world

Your pride and actualization of His law must be unfurled.


His mercy will bring you to the higher road

When serving according to His code

Staying on HIS derech with goodness as He guides will leave curses behind.

Will be a gift of peace and fulfillment for all humankind.


Sir Paul McCartney Sings Blackbird Live at Rollins College in an interview

President Rivlin Recalls Olympic Massacre in ahead of Munich Memorial InaugurationBy David Israel - 15 Elul 5777 – September 6, 2017


President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday morning began his visit to Germany with a meeting with Minister-President of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer. Rivlin thanked his host for the warm welcome and said, “It is a great honor for us to be your guests in Bavaria. This is an important event not only because of the memorial, but because of the statement it makes against global terrorism, and this is an important visit in deepening the relationship between Israel and Germany.”

President Rivlin noted the warm friendship between the countries, the commitment of Bavaria to the relationship with the State of Israel, and the importance of the establishment of a memorial to the Israeli athletes murdered at the 1972 Olympics.

Minister-President Seehofer thanked the President for his words and said, “The honor is ours, and we thank you for coming for this moving event. There is a strong bond of friendship between Israel and Bavaria, and this event for which you have come is an opportunity to deepen our strong relationship.”

The Minister-President complimented the foreign services of the State of Israel on all its representatives to Germany over the years, and in particular to the Consulate in Bavaria, which he noted was an inseparable part of the community life there. He emphasized that over the years, the leadership in Bavaria had been careful to show no tolerance to any kind of racism, especially anti-Semitism.

In parallel to the meeting, First Lady Nechama Rivlin met with the Minister-President’s wife, Mrs. Karin Seehofer, together with Israel Prize Laureate for Sport Esther Roth-Shahamorov, who was part of the Israeli delegation in 1972.

Respect for those that cared for us

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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