It's F.O.S.S.

Making your desktop Linux experience better

Hello ,

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is less than a month away. I tested the beta release and created a video to show you what Ubuntu 18.04 looks like.

If you haven't done already, I recommend subscribing to our YouTube channel for more Linux related videos.

If you are not a fan of videos, you can read this article to know more about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release.

I wrote a quick tip about automatically disabling the touchpad for Ubuntu Unity. This should be a default feature, in my opinion.

Enough about Ubuntu. What if you try to use something other than Ubuntu? Here are my recommendations.

For people who would want to try Linux but are not very confident about it, they can follow this tutorial about installing Linux inside Windows using VirtualBox

I also noticed a funny thing shared on Reddit. If you search "Ubuntu based distros" on Google, you get suggestions like Arch Linux, Debian, Gentoo etc. It's trivial but I still wrote why Google thinks Arch Linux is based on Ubuntu.

And in the end an announcement about Linux Quick Tips website. Initially, I thought of sharing the quick command line tricks that I know or I discover.

But I think it would be better if other readers could also contribute because you might be aware of some tricks that I don't know or don't remember. For example, I wrote one article on the suggestion from Jane Headley.

And hence I have added a new form system so that you can share your favorite Linux command tricks.

With this new system, I get instant notification about the form submission and I can reply to you if your tip is accepted to be published.

What do you think of it?

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Abhishek Prakash Founder

It's F.O.S.S.

Abhishek Prakash

Antibes, France