AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

19 January 2015

Welcome back for 2015

Welcome back to everyone for 2015! Hopefully you had a refreshing break and are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead. And your national association is here to support you in your endeavours!

Renew your membership

Members are reminded that (with the exception of the Mathematical Association of Western Australia) your membership is by calendar year. Renew your individual or institutional membership of your local State/Territory affiliated association to continue receiving all of your membership entitlements.

If you're not a member, find out more about the many benefits at www.aamt.edu.au/Membership.

AAMT 2015 conference

AAMT's biennial conference will be held 6–8 July in Adelaide with the theme: "Mathematics: Learn, lead, link". If you would like to make a presentation at the conference, then you must register with your offer to present before 6 March.

Go to the conference website for more information: www.cvent.com/d/74q5tv

AAMT website

The AAMT website is currently undergoing some revisions to try to make services and resources more accessible. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please direct any questions about the site to Toby Spencer (tspencer@aamt.edu.au) at the AAMT office. Please send comments or suggestions about the site to feedback@aamt.edu.au.

Back-to-school resources

There are some great resources available through AAMT's webshop to help you at http://www.aamt.edu.au/Webshop – and AAMT members get a 20% discount.

Below are just a few titles that might be useful (prices include GST but not postage unless otherwise indicated) – or you can grab a few bargains!

Problem Pictures Mathematics Calendar 2015

Thirteen stunning photos with intruiging investigations to match!

1 copy: $27.50 * AAMT members $22.00 *
2–4 copies: $20.00 each * AAMT members $16.00 *
5 or more: $15.00 each * AAMT members $12.00 *
Postage included


Math tools grades 3–12 (2nd edition)

Math(s) tools are ways to build mathematical practices, differentiate instruction and increase student engagement. Using activities which address different learning styles enables all students to think and work in their preferred style, and makes the task of differentiating instruction and assessment more manageable. Intrigue and stimulate your students with novel teaching and learning approaches.

$65.00 * AAMT members: $52.00 *


​Guide to mathematics coaching

Written in an easy to read style, and organised in a clear and logical fashion, this is a very accessible resource. Discover how effective coaching relationships add up to improved mathematics teaching and learning. For numeracy coaches, principals, heads of faculties, and leaders of mathematics teams.

$55.00 * AAMT members $44.00 *


Primary mathematics: Capitalising on ICT for today and tomorrow

Grounded in empirically evidenced developmental models and linked closely to practical classroom practice, the authors describe and explain the use of ICT as a means to enhance learning in the core areas of measurement, space and geometry, early number concepts, data and statistics, chance and probability, and patterns and algebra.

$110.00 * AAMT members $88.00 *


Teaching and assessing maths through open-ended activities

Open-ended activities are integral in developing the proficiencies in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. This book contains both short open-ended tasks and longer investigative activities, all of which provide opportunities for students to engage in differentiated problem solving to enhance thinking, questioning, analysis and critical evaluation.

$56.25 * AAMT members $45.00 *



Don't forget that before August 2015 you can still download a full copy of Tinkerplots (data exploration software) FOR FREE! Go to www.srri.umass.edu/tinkerplots/download.

Other news

Did you see that there has been a major discovery about prime numbers? 

Have a read at http://www.wired.com/2014/12/mathematicians-make-major-discovery-prime-numbers/?mbid=nl_122414

News like this is posted regularly to AAMT's Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Connect with AAMT on social networks for more links to online news, tools and tips!

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GPO Box 1729 Adelaide SA 5001 | 08 8363 0288 | office@aamt.edu.au | www.aamt.edu.au