Implementing Value Added Auditing through a measured approach
In our last two newsletters (Progress Notes-PRN) we introduced you to the solution for your internal audit woes. Value-Added Auditing (VAA) is a true organizational performance audit. It is a deep dive into your processes to determine that financial and operational controls are reliable, risk is identified and managed, compliance is in place for external requirements (OSHA, NFPA), conformance to standards such as ISO 9001, NIAHO, an efficient use of resources and that organizational objectives are effectively achieved. The most recent issue of Progress Notes-PRN discussed activities that should be considered for the first two (2) levels of implementation.
This concept of VAA is based on the book “Value-Added Auditing: The Standard Manual of Risk-Based Process Auditing” by Greg Hutchins, PE, CERM. Consistent with the measured approach, we introduce the activities in each step in “levels” for implementation, so as not to overwhelm the auditor and the process. The attached article will cover in more detail the third and fourth levels.
After your implementation is completed, you will have achieved a level in VAA that is producing results that leadership envisioned with the accreditation change to DNV-GL.
The attached article will address levels 3 & 4 of each of the four steps of VAA.
I would like to hear and respond to your questions, please email me at or call me toll free at 1-844-424-7825. Thanks for reading.
(Link to full article here)