Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello, Welcome back to Progress Notes - PRN.
In this issue,
  • Ted included the final article describing steps 3 & 4 of the 4 steps of Value Added Auditing. It is just a summary for Progress Notes - PRN so he has a link to the comprehensive article which details the steps.
  • Eric included an article talking about how your new hires influence your document control process.
  • Ted has an article about using SIPOC (Suppliers, Input, Process,Output, and Customer) and how we could apply this tool to our improvement process.
Ted's article about VAA

Implementing Value Added Auditing through a measured approach

In our last two newsletters (Progress Notes-PRN) we introduced you to the solution for your internal audit woes. Value-Added Auditing (VAA) is a true organizational performance audit. It is a deep dive into your processes to determine that financial and operational controls are reliable, risk is identified and managed, compliance is in place for external requirements (OSHA, NFPA), conformance to standards such as ISO 9001, NIAHO, an efficient use of resources and that organizational objectives are effectively achieved. The most recent issue of Progress Notes-PRN discussed activities that should be considered for the first two (2) levels of implementation.

This concept of VAA is based on the book “Value-Added Auditing: The Standard Manual of Risk-Based Process Auditing” by Greg Hutchins, PE, CERM. Consistent with the measured approach, we introduce the activities in each step in “levels” for implementation, so as not to overwhelm the auditor and the process. The attached article will cover in more detail the third and fourth levels.

After your implementation is completed, you will have achieved a level in VAA that is producing results that leadership envisioned with the accreditation change to DNV-GL.

The attached article will address levels 3 & 4 of each of the four steps of VAA.

I would like to hear and respond to your questions, please email me at or call me toll free at 1-844-424-7825. Thanks for reading.

(Link to full article here)

Eric's article
New staff and your document control

Document control is a difficult process to implement and maintain for your management system. The process has many influences working for and against you - your new staff might be working against you.

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Ted's SIPOC article

In this article, Ted talks about using a SIPOC tool (traditionally used in Six Sigma efforts) to enhance your process management. With the enhanced requirements of process management in ISO 9001:2015, this tool may be one option to consider when breaking down your processes to conduct risk-based thinking.

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Public Training Course in Atlanta, GA.

How do you move your hospital activities to a sustainable improvement platform?

Optimizing your accreditation - PRN

Atlanta, GA. February 18 - 22

An accredited training course on:

  1. the ISO 9001:2015 standard
  2. NIAHO
  3. Cost of quality
  4. Performance improvement

Performance based auditing, Risk based thinking, and NIAHO optimization create a solid platform for your accreditation to show sustainable performance. As resources get tighter, this is quickly becoming a common perspective... accreditation should not be overhead. Figuring out how to make this rational move is the challenge. By maximizing your current accreditation requirements you can do just that!

To keep the momentum going after your class, you will receive (2) hours of FREE advising when you get back to your hospital so you don't experience the post training "blues". This is a limited time offer.

Question: How well do your internal auditors's findings link patient care to financial impact?

Webinar Training

FREE personal advising webinar promotion

We have 3 different webinar topics to help you transition to the new standard. Each are (1) hour in length and are limited to (5) attendees per session. Limited time offer for the FREE advising with these webinars.

  1. 2015 Transition planning
  2. Changes to the standard
  3. Risk - based thinking

FREE webinar on ISO 9001:2015

We are continuing to offer our complimentary webinar in January. Please click on the link to see the updated January dates.

Do you have a group of people who can listen in a meeting room, just let us know, we have been able to schedule this webinar to accommodate group training.

Follow us on Social Media.

We engage in current conversation on topics that affect your hospital, patient safety, and risk-based thinking, all relevant and on point.

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From everyone at BlueSynergy Associates have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

BlueSynergy Associates LLC

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #119

West Chester, Ohio 45069