We can do this!

The end of the year can be a stressful time for teachers.  There are last-minute projects to finish up, requests from classroom teachers for various extra things, grade reports, inventories, room clean-up and more.  I know I'm stressed just thinking about it.

Take a deep breath.  We can do this!

Thanks for reading!  I truly appreciate all of your comments and support.

Sincerely, Marcia

Here are a few things you may have missed!

Do you need some awards?

Click here for a free printable art award certificate.  I also have a bundle of 14 different certificates you can purchase in my shop.

Easy End of Year Kindergarten Project

This is a very sweet end of year project for kindergartners.  Laminate and send home on the last day of art class.  Read all the details here.

The summer is a perfect time to reflect on your curriculum.  I just finished rewriting my entire curriculum matrix.  Check out the blog post for details or download it below.

Free Download
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Art is Basic

Marcia Beckett

