By Helen's Hand Release Day! (And Forged By Fate for FREE!)

The Amaliad

You came for Thor, now read on for more!

issue I

Let's keep it simple -- when I have something exciting to share or a promotion I think you'd like to know about, I'll send it out in a newsletter no more than once monthly. I'll try to include a fun behind-the-scenes tidbit at the bottom for your entertainment, and I'll do my best not to waste your time or clutter your inbox unnecessarily! 

By Helen's Hand is Here!

This book picks up about where we left off in HELEN OF SPARTA and completes Helen's story! With special guest stars: Heracles, Odysseus, Polypoetes, Patroclus, and of course, Paris of Troy

But don't expect this book to be about the Trojan War! Like the first book, BY HELEN'S HAND is still A Story of Helen, first and foremost. And I hope you'll enjoy my take on her myths!

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Forged By Fate is FREE!

For a limited time (May 10th-14th), book one of my Fate of the Gods trilogy is FREE for kindle. If you haven't checked out my Amalia Dillin books yet, or weren't sure if you wanted to take the risk on my big mythology mash-up trilogy, here's your chance! Give FORGED BY FATE a read and if you like it, come back for more of Adam, Eve, and Thor in FATE FORGOTTEN and BEYOND FATE. This trilogy is COMPLETE, so there's no waiting for the next installment if you find yourself sucked in! 

Orc Saga & More Amalia Carosella

Those of you who are fans of the Orc Saga, I'm tentatively planning to release book three in late 2017. But if I can get it to you sooner, I will! 

As Amalia Carosella, I've got two more projects on the way. One more from Lake Union (untitled as yet), which you can look for also in 2017, and TAMER OF HORSES, my novel about Hippodamia's marriage to Pirithous and the war with the centaurs, which I hope to have a release date nailed down for in the next couple of months. TAMER is set about 30 years before HELEN OF SPARTA, but even though it's part of the same world, it can absolutely be read as a stand alone novel and I can't wait to share it!

Did You Know:

When I first started writing HELEN OF SPARTA, I envisioned it as a tie-in to my Fate of the Gods trilogy. In the first draft, Helen was Eve and Paris was Adam -- adding a new layer of urgency in keeping the two of them apart! In my Fate of the Gods novella TEMPTING FATE, Jean DeLeon references Helen's mythology as part of his family's history, In FORGED BY FATE, Adam is startled when he recognizes Helen as Eve, and in FORGED BY FATE and FATE FORGOTTEN, Thor is pretty jealous of Theseus. (Who can blame him, really? Theseus is a tough act to follow!)

But ultimately, HELEN OF SPARTA became its own book, set in its own distinct world, and Helen became her own character. And her adventures in BY HELEN'S HAND definitely aren't the same as Eve's in the Fate of the Gods books! But you might enjoy giving both series a read to compare and contrast! 

Amalia Dillin/Amalia Carosella

P.O. Box 6157
93 W. Campbell Rd.
Schenectady, NY 12306

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