Research Project – National Best Practice in Mathematics Education: your help requested
This nationally important research project provides a unique opportunity to identify factors that lead to quality mathematics learning. The project is an initiative of and funded through the Office of the Chief Scientist. The goal of the project is to build a compelling evidence base for national best practice in mathematics education by identifying key factors in school mathematics improvement as measured by NAPLAN. The study is being conducted by a highly experienced national team of researchers led by the University of Tasmania.
The current second phase of the projects is looking to confirm some initial findings.There are surveys for school leaders (principals, curriculum leaders, mathematics coordinators and so on), teachers of mathematics and students (Years 3 – 6 and in Years 7 – 10). The ideal would be to have a class of students with their teacher from last year, and the school leaders all complete the survey, but if that is not possible we would love responses from anyone interested. The study is looking only at the positive aspects of schooling and does not seek to identify deficits.
Time is of the essence. The project has a very short overall timeline – 6 months – and we invite and seek your approval for you and your school to participate. The survey links are provided below. These will remain open for one month.
Further information can be obtained from Rosemary Callingham ( who can also provide additional letters for teachers or parents if requested.
Please consider contributing to this important initiative