forget the apple, one creative break a day keeps the doctor away

Dear ,


It's been a week now that the 100 Day Project has started, and unlike last year where it was just @gizemicplanets and me, this year a lot of yous have decided to join!

Needless to say, knowing that others are doing the challenge is a powerful way to push through.

Some of you are doing a 100 Day Project for themselves, and some are sharing it online. And as you will see from the list below, the possibilities are infinite!

Here is the list of the projects you've shared with me so far:

  1. @gizemicplanets is doing #100streamofimagination (one drawing a day with a little magic in it)
  2. @itsabroadworld are doing #100daysofbroadworld (one video a day following Sam and Lacey world tour)
  3. @bricemg is doing #100daysofpopularpixel (creating a pixelized version of a famous cultural reference you need to guess, the answer is shared the next day)
  4. @claire_bro is doing #100dayofpapercut (I believe this is pretty explenatory)
  5. @polopoulpix is doing #100dayofvideogameplaces (drawing a video game place and you need to guess which one it is.)
  6. @samarkand.cristele is doing #100dayofethnicity (presenting one ethny a day with an anecdote specific to them)
  7. @axelcoeuret is doing #100pixday (sharing a picture daily with a weekly theme. The first week was about architecture)
  8. @jesus_gachez is doing #the100daysofunknownprotraits (sketching a portrait a day)
  9. @noemievila is doing #100daysofpioupiouslife (creating one scene with a little chick name pioupiou. This is my favorite 100 day project so far. It makes me laugh every day)
  10. @chris_sejean is doing #100daysofletteringspam (hand lettering a spam per day)
  11. @jeancharlesamey is doing #100daysofpois (sharing something with polka dots)
  12. @alisonkathleenkelly is doing #100daysofMorph (writing a page everyday of a sci-fi screenplay)
  13. @claire_sejchaz is doing #100daysofPhD (writing a page a day for her phd)
  14. @becauseivy is doing #100daysoflogline
  15. michel is doing #100daysof15minutesdrawing (drawing whatever he can under 15 minutes)

If you are doing the project and you're not in the list, reach out, I'll share it next time!

As for me, I made my seven videos, under the hashtag #100dayofvideos. On the first day I almost gave up, and pushed through the million of reasons not to do it. I've managed to make it happen, sometimes cursing, something lightly.

One thing is clear: I've already learned enough from this 7 days experiment to make it worth while.

Below is a video recap of the seven days!

if you have trouble viewing the video, you can always click here.


I love that so many of us are in the same boat! 

Loads of creative vibe,



PS: If you know a creative friend who might enjoy being on this list, consider sending them The Creative Break.


Nathalie Sejean

Founder of The Creative Break

15 Rue des Poissons

75011 Paris - France